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Hello and welcome to the Woolsery Parish Council website.


The Parish of Woolfardisworthy includes Bucks Cross, Bucks Mills, West Bucks, Cranford, Alminstone & Ashmansworthy.


We hope you will find this website a useful addition to the Parish Council's communication.


The website will allow you to access minutes, agendas, planning information and much more.


For people requiring help with difficulties paying bills, accessing services, mental health issues or other items, please follow this link:


The Woolsery Parish Council (WPC) is made up of nine voluntary Councillors plus a Parish Clerk.


We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at Woolsery Sports & Community Hall, with two meetings per year being held in the Bucks Cross Village Hall.


See list of 2024 meeting dates here


The Annual Parish Meeting is held each year between 1 March and 1 June and a Parish Council Annual Parish Council Meeting in May.


Ad hoc Parish Council Planning Committee meetings are also held to review planning applications where the closing date for comments falls before the next scheduled full Parish Council monthly meeting.

Who we are and when we meet
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